Whiteboard Bot


Whiteboard bot was intended as a project to get robotics club newcomers acquainted to robotics. It's based off an idea very similar to this.

We never actually finished the Whiteboard bot. However, with my since learned embedded knowledge, I definitely plan on returning this project with a baremetal programmed Raspberry Pi!

Update--I did return to this project. You can check it out here! And there's a video demo here!

I think the coolest part about whiteboard bot is the web interface canvas that I implemented. Using the work from the baremetal web server that I implemented in pi webserver, I was able to send over data to the whiteboard bot to draw cool shapes (like a very simple gcode generator/cnc driver system). This was pretty cool because it was relatively immediate--all the work was cut out for me already and I just had to put it into place. So it was minimal effort + cool results = happy alex.